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Farooq Sattar announces leaving MQM-P, politics

09 Nov, 2017

He said he still has a modest house, a secondhand car bought with loan of friends. He asked PSP leader Mustafa Kamal to show his assets and tell how they were made. He said all heads of political parties should also disclose their assets.

He alleged previous day the Muhajirs were humiliated. He said that they had thought that to indulge in politics for Muhajirs is necessary for survival of these people and their offspring who had created Pakistan. He said despite difficult circumstances he did not leave the country. He said after August 23 they opted politics for Pakistan and constitution of Pakistan and shunned ‘London’. Dr. Farooq Sattar said that we cannot disconnect from our martyrs. We had extended the hand of cooperation in the larger interests of Muhajir people and tried to make working relationship.

We want to end cruel encroachment of Waderas. He said they want land reforms and powers for local government institutions for the rights of ordinary people of Pakistan. He said we decided to make working relationship after our successful rally of November 5, which was the biggest rally of recent history of Karachi. He said our workers are angry and they are blaming that we had betrayed them.

He said that the peace of Karachi and progress of Karachi is the peace and progress of Pakistan. He said we decided to give them our own political space for the sake of our people. He said for last one year there is not complaint of extortion.

He said quota system was ended in 2013 but still recruitments were made on quota and the Supreme Court should take suo moto notice of this. He said that we decided to take along with us all political elements.

He said the parties claiming themselves as national parties are in fact regional parties and they are befooling people. He said we would not indulge in politics of hatred but do the politics of Muhajir people.

He said he wants to pay visit to the graveyard of martyrs and no one could stop him from this. He said we had only said that we are ready for a political alliance but we have never said that we are ending MQM. He said we cannot shun our identity as Muhajir. He said we cannot disown the sacrifices of our people.

He said in what he called Altaf-enmity they should not ignore the issues of Muhajir people. He said the Muhajirs should be given their due share from the national resouces. He said he had written an important letter to the prime minister, chief of army staff, chief justice of Supreme Court of Pakistan, DGs of FIA and ISI and if compelled he would disclose its contents.

He said the PSP could shun the politics of Muhajirs but we cannot. He challenged the PSP to win a seat from Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta or Larkana and he would disown their party flag and symbol, themselves. He said we cannot go for merger to people who do not recognize the rights of Muhajir people.

He said he did not attend the meeting of MQM-P this evening because he was angry with them. He said if they have any reservations on his leadership they could talk with him and not discuss issues on social media. He said if they did not do this our ways would be parted.

He said he would not like communication through social media.  He said when he was arrested by the rangers, the then governor of Sindh did not play any role in his release.

He said next day he held a press conference on his own will. He said it was his own decision and he told that now the enough was enough and now the party could not be run from London.

He said he and his supporters want a politics of common man, but they were pushed against the wall. He said we are now compelled to go back to the Muhajir politics. He said they would go to the graveyard of the martyrs, saying it is his right. He said if they tell him that they have no rights as citizens they would leave voluntarily.

He said previous day his gestures for political working relationships were misunderstood. He said if even the workers have doubts of betraying and selling the party, it is regrettable.

He said many leaders were present in the consultation before the press conference of previous day.

All were taken on board and a joint decision was taken. He said he was saddened that the PSP leaders misunderstood his gestures of political relationship and the workers were also doubtful regardless of his 35-year service and in these circumstances he has decided to leave the party. He said MQM-Pakistan belongs to the Rabita Committee and not to him.

He said tomorrow on the occasion of the Chehulm of Hazrat Imam Hussian (RA) he would leave the party and politics.

He said on the next day of the Chehlum he would visit the graveyard of martyrs at all costs. On which the MQM-P workers present there chanted slogan of ‘No, No’ and insisted him to change his decision.



Copyright PPI (Pakistan Press International), 2017



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