Nawaz Sharif challenges verdict of the accountability court

14 Nov, 2017

Deposed Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif challenged on Tuesday the verdict of the accountability court regarding the application he had filed to club all three references filed against him by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) into one.

Sharif’s counsel Azam Tarar filed an application to Islamabad High Court (IHC) pleading to reject the verdict of the accountability court as it was given without taking into deliberation the IHC’s detailed verdict on Sharif’s plea.

Accountability court rejects Nawaz’s plea to club references

He argued that the court’s decision had been taken in haste and should be dismissed, local media reported. The court has adjourned the hearing to November 15 (tomorrow).

During the previous hearing on November 8, Judge Muhammad Bashir listened to arguments from both defense and prosecution counsels. Later, he rejected Sharif’s plea to club all three references into one and indicted Sharif separately in each of the three references. Sharif had pleaded not guilty in all the charges.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2017

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