BASF and its employees in more than 20 countries have together donated about euro 785,000 for the flood victims in Pakistan. "I was impressed by the willingness of BASF employees to make donations. Through their contributions some of the misery can be relieved by helping to supply the people in Pakistan with essential goods," said Dr Jurgen Hambrecht, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF.
The aid money will be distributed among various UN organisations on the ground in the affected areas of Pakistan and the Red Cross. The employee and company donations from Germany go to CERF, the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund. CERF uses the money exclusively to support projects run by UN organisations active in Pakistan. For example the World Health Organisation uses the money to be able to provide basic medical care or UN-HABITAT for providing potable water.
In the immediate aftermath of the flooding, BASF Group companies in Pakistan and local employees provided local assistance, for example an internal aid committee prepared relief packages containing food, medicines and other emergency goods and organised aid distribution points near BASF sites in Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad and Sialkot.-PR