Dissatisfaction with governments performance: PDO organises convention

30 Oct, 2010

The anger was palpable at a convention organised by Pattan Development Organisation (PDO), the first of its kind for flood affectees in Pakistan, attending by over three thousand people from all flood affected provinces, said a press release issued here on Friday.
Their grievances ranged from a general dissatisfaction with the governments performance in relief and recovery to very specific accusations of the destruction of embankments by influential politicians along the river to save their own land at the expense of many others and lack of equal treatment in the distribution of Watan cards along with lack of compensation for the losses.
Despite being almost three months into the disaster, the systematic failure of the government to provide even basic shelter proved to be the most pressing issue, and the attendees were not holding back in expressing their dissatisfaction. Tehreek Bahali-e-Selabzadgan, Pattan Development Organisation, SYCOP, Madni Welfare organisation have jointly organised the event this was supported by FES Pakistan.
The attendees expressed gratitude to the international community and aid organisations for their assistance during the calamity and expressed great admiration and hope towards the Supreme Court for their investigation into the embankment breaching and allegations of chronic mismanagement of riverside development, which lead to this disaster.
The conference featured issues oriented panels, which specifically highlighted concerns and grievances with particular attention to the failings of local and federal officials.
Attendees have expressed resolution in a list of demands and a report to be submitted to the Supreme Court for review. These include the enforcement of Article 38 of the Constitution, which is designed to limit the concentration and production of wealth in the hands of powerful elite.-PR

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