Obama gets 90 percent approval rating

01 Nov, 2010

With three days to go to the US midterm elections, President Barack Obama's approval rating soared to 90 percent on Saturday - but only among the tens of thousands who gathered in Washington for a rally hosted by two liberal comics.
Most of the people who participated in text-message poll conducted among the estimated 200,000 who turned out for the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear hosted by funnymen Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, said they support Obama and want his administration to focus aggressively on a jobs-creation agenda.
An overwhelming majority - 90 percent - approved of the President, and more than half - 56 percent - approved of him strongly, the poll found.
Among a cross-section of Americans, only 47 percent gave Obama a favourable rating in a poll conducted by the Gallup Organisation between October 14-17.
An overwhelming majority of the people who attended the rally said they are likely to vote for Democratic Party candidates in Tuesday's elections, the poll found.
But only one-in-four is more enthusiastic about voting this year compared to 2008, when Obama was elected.
Eight percent of those who took the poll said they were still undecided as to whom to vote for, and one percent said they planned to vote Republican. The remaining five percent said they were unlikely to vote.
The poll was taken just three days before Americans head to the polls for midterm elections, in which the Republican Party is expected to snatch the House of Representatives from Obama's Democratic Party. Some think the Republicans could also win a majority in the Senate.

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