KTR plans 'Give a Home' project for flood victims

02 Nov, 2010

Under the next phase of relief work, Karachi Relief Trust (KTR) is planning to launch "Give a Home" project for flood victims. While, addressing the volunteer appreciation ceremony held at the Indus Valley School of Arts and Architecture on Saturday night, volunteers/speakers showed their willingness for further relief work in flood-hit areas.
"The goal would be to provide houses to the flood-hit people under the "Give a Home" project and inspiration behind this project is the generous contributions by many who wish to remain anonymous," they said. Homes in the flood-hit area will be built according to the needs of the area and weather, with special designs to combat natural calamities, they said and added that KRT is in the process of constructing two bridges at Fizza Ghat, Swat, and Char Bagh, Sindh and is building around 10,000 houses in flood areas.
They informed that KTR had served almost 33,000 people with food, water, sanitation and medical treatment in 57 camps by the end of September and during the period some five million ready meals were also served among the victims. Besides, distribution of 30-days ration and the Pak Paani projects for the displaced people.
Speakers informed the audience unexpectedly healthy contributions were made by the people of all ages, religions and backgrounds in both money and spirit and some of women, have no cash for donation, took off their bangles contributed for flood-affected people. While on an occasion, the students of a primary school donated their entire lunch money total Rs 1,258 in coins and notes of Rs one, two and five for flood victims.

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