Karachi killings: MQM, ANP trade accusations in Senate

02 Nov, 2010

Awami National Party (ANP) and Muttahida Qaumi Movement on Monday blamed each other for the unabated targetted killings and unrest in Karachi here on Monday.
The members of the two parties that are coalition partners in Sindh and Centre levelled allegations against each other in the Upper House for the targetted killings in Karachi during the House debate on the prevailing law and order situation in the country on a motion jointly moved by Jamat-e-Islami's Professor Khurshid and ANP's Haji Adeel.
Initiating the debate, Haji Adeel demanded of the government to deweaponise the city and expel Bengalis, Beharis and Afghan refugees for restoring peace in the city, saying that around five millions aliens were living in the metropolis with fake Computerised National Identity Cards (CNICs). He also demanded deployment of Pak Army there for some months saying that the civilian administration had completely failed to control the situations.
He pointed out that mafias were active in Karachi who were exploiting the deteriorating law and order in the city. "Everybody knows the 'hidden hands' supporting these mafias," the ANP senator said without naming anyone. He said that some unknown people must be unearthed, who were coming from South Africa in Karachi and left with other flight after killing innocent people in Karachi.
While responding, MQM's Senator Babar Khan Ghauri, who is also Minister for Ports and Shipping, deplored the speech of the ANP's senator saying that it was unfortunate that a member from that group which was even against the creation of Pakistan was questioning the loyalties of the Bengalis.
He criticised the ANP leadership for claiming representation of the Pakhtoon community in Karachi while remaining silent over the drone attacks in the tribal areas. He said that his party does not want confrontation, but it will respond with the same tone for the allegations if levelled against his party.
Ghauri, however, said that it was high time to remain united and shun the internal differences as the country is already under conspiracies. To the demand of deweaponisation of Karachi, Ghauri said that his party was ready but the entire country should be deweaponised.
Taking part in the debate, ANP's Afrasyab Khattak blamed the MQM senator for cheating with the people of the country with 'sugar coated' debate and added that peace could only be restored in Karachi by recognising rights of all Pakistanis in the city.
He further said that his party does not want Beirut like situation in Karachi but the philosophy of "live and let live others" must be implemented in Karachi. "Unfortunately we are fighting with terrorists wearing "Shalwar and Kamees" in Khyber-Pakhtoonkhwa while here with those wearing "Paint and Coat," Afrasyab added while responding to Ghauri's allegations for not rising voice for those killed in drone attacks.
He also blamed MQM for enjoying the powers in each coming government but delivering nothing. "We are not from those who framed the maps of 'Jinnah Pur," he added. Abdul Malik Baloch and Professor Ibrahim also took part in the debate and urged the government to take necessary measures for the restoration of peace in the country particularly in Karachi and Balochistan.
Earlier, the House offered Fateha for the departed soul of former president Farooq Leghari. Leader of the Opposition, Wasim Sajjad moved a resolution highlighting the political services of the late president during his life and paid rich tributes to his contribution in national development.

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