Rally condemns attacks on Shrines

02 Nov, 2010

Tahaffuz-e-Namoos-e-Resalat held a protest rally here on Monday on the Mall road against the increasing terrorist attacks on the Shrines throughout the country and demanded strict action against the perpetrators of the crime. In Lahore, a rally started from the Data Darbar and ended at the Club Choke near the Chief Minister Secretariat on Mall road.
The participants were carrying banners and play-cards signifying failure of the Punjab government to control terrorism." They were chanting slogans and condemning killings of innocent people at the shrines of the Hazarat Abdulla Shah Gazi, Hazrat Baba Farid Ganj Shaker and demanded of the government to immediate arrest of the culprits involved in the bomb blasts.
The rally was headed by its president Maulana Raza Mustafa Nakshbandi. The leaders and workers of the various religious parties including Dr Muhammad Ashraf, Asif Jalali, Peer Athar Qadari, Riaz Shah, Maulana Thair Tabassum, Maulana Muhammad Abbass Faizi and many other were also present on the occasion.
While addressing the rally speakers said that they would not hesitate to render their lives for the sanctity of the holy Prophet Peace Be upon Him. Our sincere efforts for the protection of Namoos-e-Resalat would continue till eradication of terrorist activities at the holy shrines.
The participants of the rally at the end passed a resolution in which it was demanded that Americans Army should immediately leave Afghanistan and people of Afghanistan must be given the right of governing the county freely and fairly. It was further demanded "to save the precious lives and properties of the innocent people of tribal areas and the American drones attacks should be stopped. The government of Pakistan should adopt decisive and clear-cut policy regarding diplomatic relation with the United States.
They demanded that aggressive and indiscriminative crackdown should be initiated against the suspicious religious organisations and strict action should be taken against the illegal weapons holder without considering whosoever he is. They further demanded that those who are helping the terrorists or given them protection or guiding them should be treated as terrorists and severe punishment in accordance with the law should be given to them.
It was also demanded through the resolution that fool proof security arrangements at the shrines throughout the country should be maintained besides protecting the lives of Ahle-Sunnat Ulema. They further demanded that the members of the banned outfits and organisation should immediately be expelled from provincial and Divisional Peace Committees. Government should bring revolutionary legal reforms regarding the terrorism act so that they could not get any relief from the courts.

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