Traditional Islamic Calligraphy exhibition

02 Nov, 2010

Lok Virsa (National Institute of Folk and Traditional Heritage) will hold an exhibition-cum-competition of traditional Islamic calligraphy from November 2 to 8.
The inaugural ceremony of the exhibition will be held on Tuesday at Lok Virsa heritage museum as a part of its efforts to document, preserve and disseminate traditional culture of Pakistan and to afford a platform to the practitioners of the important Islamic art of calligraphy.
Pir Aftab Hussain Shah Jilani, Federal Minister for Culture will inaugurate the exhibition. Calligraphy has a very special place in Islam because it is strongly bound up with the Quranic revelation in two ways. Firstly, Allah's word in the form of the Quran represents unique evidence of the divine revelation, which was actually conveyed orally to Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), but was then recorded in writing by his companions and circulated.

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