HRCP meeting discusses problems of Third Gender

02 Nov, 2010

In a presentation entitled 'Problems of Third Gender - The sociology of Transvestites in Sindh', Human rights activist and writer of a book on the subject of transvestites, Akhter Baloch discussed their day-to-day life, customs and perception of the society towards them in an HRCP Karachi meeting.
Welcoming participants of the meting, Syed Shamsuddin, Co-ordinator HRCP, Sindh said that Pakistani society and law continues to thier discriminatory attitude towards the transvestites. Their 'Sexual identity' is an essential component of human expression and inherent in the fundamental right to freedom of expression guaranteed under basic human rights and defined in Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Therefore, they must be recognised as equal citizens of Pakistan.
At the outset, Akhter Baloch defined that transvestites are a community of transsexual people often thought of as a 'third sex'. Law in Pakistan, however is silent when it comes to defining them as 'third sex'.
Akhtar Baloch said that Pakistani society should change their attitude towards transvestites and consider them as equal citizen of Pakistan and they should be given equal opportunities so that they may contribute their share in our society of which they are a part. Baloch added that transvestites should not be considered as sex workers.-PR

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