US troops to continue relief work till Pakistan needs it: Munter

05 Nov, 2010

US ambassador Cameron Munter on Thursday said that the American helicopters and troops would continue their help and assistance in the flood affected areas as long as Pakistan needs this Cupertino. He was talking to American troops here at Ghazi Air Base during his first ever visit after assuming the charge as new American ambassador to Pakistan.
Appreciating the services of American troops, the ambassador said it was real response from a friend to another friend. The ambassador who was accompanied by his wife during this trip said, "America is committed to help and assist Pakistan in this relief and rehabilitation work in the worst ever flood affected areas." He praised the hard work being done by the US troops along with Pakistani troops in rescue, relief and supply of food items in the flood affected areas.
He said the relief operation being conducted by American helicopters and troops is very important to further strengthen bilateral relations. The Ambassador who was received by Brigadier Babar Farooqi was briefed about relief operation jointly organised with American and Pakistani troops. He was informed that with the support of American troops, 30,000 persons were evacuated while 55,000 tones of food was provided to the people in the Swat and other adjoining areas.
The Ambassador was informed that there has been very close and effective co-ordination and Cupertino between Pakistan and American troops engaged in relief operation. The Ambassador was told that American troops are called "Angle of Mercy" for extending extra ordinary help to flood affected people.
Colonel Hamid Bashir giving details of flood damage said over 2000 people died in the flood that damaged over one million houses. American Brigadier General Nagata, the Incharge of US troops at Ghazi Air Base told the Ambassador that presently 10 Chinooks and 8 Black Hacks are operating here to provide food and medicines to flood affected people in Swat and other adjoining areas.
Appreciating excellent Cupertino and co-ordination among Pakistani and American troops, he said, "I have never such a good experience of working with Pakistani troops." He said there has been no security problem through the operation and Pakistani troops have provided excellent security to the American troops and helicopters.

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