Talks over tranche: IMF office responds to Business Recorder question

06 Nov, 2010

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was reluctant to comment on the ongoing negotiations between Pakistan government and its visiting mission, saying that a mission is in Islamabad to discuss such issues. This was the response to a question sent by Business Recorder to Director, External Relations, IMF, Caroline Atkinson, which stated.
"There is speculation in Islamabad that the IMF''s next tranche is in jeopardy, as Washington is not supporting Pakistan now. Is this impression correct?" There have been reports that the US administration has withdrawn its support for Pakistan for seeking waiver from the IMF for the release of the next tranche of $3.4 billion under Stand By Arrangement (SBA), and conveyed to the present government that from now onwards it has to directly deal with the Fund for future alignment.
"Well, as you know, we will support Pakistan, depending on agreement on policies, and there is a mission in the field now, which is discussing Pakistan''s policies under the standby review," she added. According to her, the IMF had already provided an emergency loan to Pakistan in response to the terrible impact of the floods.
"The discussions are, of course, in the field are going on. These discussions about what needs to be implemented for the policies, for the authorities to meet their economic stabilisation and reform agenda. And so I am not going to comment on where we stand in relation to their policies," she said. Atkinson was also asked whether the IMF had turned down Pakistan''s request to exempt the textile sector from ''reformed general sales tax''. She replied that discussions on specific measures for Pakistan are going on. There''s a mission in the field so she cannot comment on particular issues.

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