Effective strategy for brokers, others devised: Tashkent moot begins

07 Nov, 2010

South Asian Federation of Exchanges (SAFE) on Saturday kicked off international seminar on Executive Leadership Forum, which jointly chalked out an effective corporate strategy for brokers, companies and corporate entities to remove bottlenecks from existing procedures for attracting investors.
The SAFE forum was participated by international speakers from USA, India, Bangladesh and other countries to share their experiences on leadership skills for business managers, understanding market challenges, developing effective corporate strategies and high impact leadership qualities.
Managing Director, Lahore Stock Exchange (LSE) and Secretary General SAFE Aftab Ahmad Chaudhry gave a comparative analysis of different regional stock exchanges to elaborate the regulatory framework of securities and exchange commissions in SAFE countries. He also talked about the company laws and role of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan in facilitating local investors. Aftab also highlighted the rules and regulations of different stock exchanges of regional countries to pinpoint issues having direct impact on the business of investors, particularly corporate entities.
Dr Janet Schofield, a renowned professor associated with Harvard and Yale and currently engaged with the University of Pittsburg, USA, gave a detailed presentation on the social aspects that business leaders need to consider to ensure sustained growth of the business and the company. Dr Douglas Schofield, an international expert on strategic planning from USA, talked about the meaning, scope and enhancement of shareholders'''' value.
The seminar focused on the important regional and international issues to create a framework for dialogue and co-operation about crucial concerns including issues related to the capital and financial markets in the broader perspective of regional economic integration.
The participants ranging from leading business and securities houses in SAFE countries extensively contributed to discussions and enriched the discussions. Sattipatti, Managing Director of the Dhaka Stock Exchange presented the rapid success of the Dhaka Stock Exchange as a case study of his effective and focused leadership. The Forum will continue for another day, and important themes will be discussed. Khalid Mirza is expected to speak on corporate governance. However, a very interesting and significant theme relating to role of business leaders in handling whistle-blowing cases is expected to be addressed by Syed Ahmad Hassan Shah, a leading Islamabad-based lawyer.
The seminar was also attended by high profile business executives, potential leaders and strategic decision-makers of the corporate world such as chief executives and non-executive directors, company secretaries, senior consultants and accountants, senior corporate law practitioners and industry experts.

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