Child labour menace

07 Nov, 2010

Pakistan is a democratic country and a welfare state, yet its children have no security and safety. The sons and daughters of millions of Pakistanis, living under poverty line in the age group of 5 to 15 are forced to spend a very miserable life. There is no social security for them as their parents cannot afford to send them to schools.
As a result, they are subject to various types of exploitations, including hard labour in factories, shops, fields, houses as domestic servants for a paltry sum of money.
The brothels are full of children, who are forced to participate in sexual activities. Some of these children are kidnapped, sold by their parents themselves. There seems to be corruption and dishonesty among most of us, as well as in our attitude of indifference that's why our children are facing abuses and other problems and we should have to solve this problem with the help of the government.

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