Electricity crisis

07 Nov, 2010

Pakistan is undergoing manifold crisis and one of them is loadshedding and undue hike in price of electricity. Almighty Allah has given us each and everything of our need. He keeps on bestowing upon us and we keep on wasting, and misusing.
Human beings are the wisest and the most active, but on the contrary they are the laziest. Now people are mourning over tragic situation in every walk of life and the power problem is above all. We, the Karachiites suffer from frequent power breakdowns. The main problem is that our transmission system is very weak and faulty. If it is properly controlled and managed, then there will be no shortage of electricity in city.
Frequent power breakdowns and unscheduled loadshedding have aggravated the situation and created law and order situation throughout the country. Besides, increase in power tariff has added to the miseries of people especially salaried class. Several small industries have been closed down for want of power. Our textile industry tycoons are planning to shift their businesses to other countries, thus making a large number of workers jobless Through your esteemed paper, I request the responsible officials to look into the matter and solve the problem and save the country from other problems.

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