Azad Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister Sardar Attique Ahmad Khan has said that a strategy has been formulated for the promotion of industrial sector on modern lines in Azad Kashmir. The step was being taken for bringing economic stability and prosperity of the people he said.
Addressing the members of Sialkot Chamber and Industry (SCCI) on Saturday evening he stressed upon the members that they should invest in Azad Kashmir and help business community of the area on modern production lines.
The businesspersons of Sialkot could invest in the field of hydel power, windmills, timber, bio-diesel and Kashmiri garments projects he pointed out. Sardar Attique assured the members that investors would be given incentives for setting up their industrial units in Azad Kashmir he said.
Azad Kashmir is an ideal location for setting up industrial units because of better law and order situation and cheap labour and establishment of industries in the area would generate employment opportunities and bring economic stability he added. The AJK Prime Minister said all barricades, which were hindering industrial process had already been removed and investors are now free to invest in the area.
He urged upon the members that they should visit Azad Kashmir and ascertain the possibilities of setting up industrial units in area. Sardar Attique on this occasion appealed to the US President to take up the Kashmir issue with Indian government for resolving the dispute peacefully during his tour to India for maintaining durable peace in the sub-continent. Indian government has failed to curb the liberation movement initiated by Kashmiris for the liberation of their motherland from its shackles on the bases deployment of army in held state he added. He said the Indian occupant forces were busy in state terrorism and they had held large number of innocent Kashmiris and situation in of held Kashmir is much deteriorated. Kashmir and Pakistan are integral part and cannot exist without each other and settlement of Kashmir issue had become more imperative at this juncture for maintaining permanent peace in South Asia he added. In his address of welcome President SCCI Ghulam Mustafa Chaudhry suggested that a MoU should be signed between SCCI and Azad Kashmir government for business collaboration.