Curse of beggary

09 Nov, 2010

I would like to draw your attention towards beggary menace in our country. Beggary is considered the most heinous crime in our society. Wherever you go it is a common scene on the roads, streets and especially the traffic signals, you will be invaded by beggars, most of them professionals. They pretend themselves as poor and in need of cash.
Surprisingly, the concerned authorities do not take any action against beggary. Today, the beggary has become a profession - a flourishing one. Beggary blocks the way of those who are needy and have not other alternative other than public help.
The government should take steps to stop the curse of begging and those who are behind this organised menace. The government should also establish rehabilitation centres through the use of Zakat funds which could help change them to be a better part of society.
Pakistan, being an Islamic state, should pass a resolution against beggary. In the recent past, one of our neighbouring countries passed a law not only to arrest beggars, but also those who give them money. This will help to reduce number of beggars and bring them back to the work in various fields. The number of beggars' data should be collected and they should be given sufficient aid by the government according to their needs. Considering the steps mentioned above, I hope this problem can help end the menace once and for all.

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