Despatch of dividend warrants

11 Nov, 2010

Dates of despatch of dividend warrants and bonus share certificates.

Company Year Ended/Ending Dividend/Bonus Dispatched on
Clover Pakistan Limited 30.06.2010 15% Dividend 08.11.2010
Sazgar Engineering
works Ltd 30.06.2010 10% Dividend & 20% Bonus Share 08.11.2010
Pakistan International Container
Terminal Limited 30.06.2010 25% Dividend & 10%
Pakistan National (Preference Shares) 08.11.2010
Shipping Corporation 30.06.2010 15% Dividend 10.11.2010
Attock Cement
Pakistan Ltd 30.06.2010 32.5% Final Dividend 8.11.2010

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