The biggest social evil

11 Nov, 2010

Beggary is a great social nuisance. It has been present in our country since ancient time, but it has now assumed the proportion of a big evil. You can find beggars in every public place, whether you go to the market or a Masjid, you will find yourselves surrounded by hordes of beggars. You will find them on the bus stops as well as on railway platforms, even outside the colleges and universities.
They even pester you in the streets and call at your doorsteps to beg for alms. Begging is a blot on the name of Pakistan. The worst thing is that among the beggars, there are many men and women who are quite hale and hearty, but they indulge in begging because they are shirkers and do not want to labour. Some child-lifters, in the guise of beggars, are also on the look out, abducting children.
In some cities, the beggars indulge in crimes like stealing, shoplifting or even murders. Some beggars kidnap young children, mutilate their limbs and force them to beg. I, therefore, request the authorities that the menace of begging be firmly checked. The really disabled and weak persons should be helped by the government so that they do not have to beg.

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