CDGK employees not yet paid October's salaries

12 Nov, 2010

As few days remaining in Eid-ul-Azha, employees of City District Government Karachi (CDGK) are still deprived from their salaries of the month of October, it is learnt. However, Administrator Karachi, Fazlur Rehman on November 1, 2010 after the inauguration of fumigation campaign in Liyari Town while talking to media had said that "we have already arranged advance salaries for the Holy occasion of Eid-ul-Azha and would be released in few days."
Despite less than a week remaining in Eid-ul-Azha, the workers of CDGK who would be performing their duties in offal lifting and disposal activities on the occasion also did not received their salaries as yet. During a brief visit of CDGK on Thursday, the employees of various departments told Business Recorder that the advance salaries of November are apart, they did not even received their salaries of the month of October.
Bashir Khan Saddozai, Spokesman, City District Government Karachi when asked told Business Recorder that there is no such financial issue in CDGK regarding salaries of the employees though it can be an administrative delay, which causes these late payments.
He said that the late submission of bills and other requirements from administrative workers results delay in the release of salaries otherwise, administrator Fazlur Rehman has directed concern department to finalise salaries till 25th of every month.
While talking about advance salaries for the Holy occasion of Eid-ul-Azha he said that if the centre or the province would announce advance salaries then the City Government would release salaries in advance as there is no funds problem in CDGK.

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