Chinese company to introduce LED, solar lights

12 Nov, 2010

Chinese company CHAGUANG Electronics keen to introduce and provide LED lights and solar technology in Pakistan for energy conservation in the industrial and agri-sector of the country.
A delegation of CHAGUANG Electronics led by its President Xu Shehui here on Thursday called on President Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited (ZTBL) Zaka Ashraf and discussed the scope of the alternative energy and LED technology within the agriculture sector.
He informed that LED technology was very successfully used in China for lighting the streets, parks and other public and private buildings and conserving the energy. Xu Shehui said that this technology would help the country to bridge the gap of electricity shortfall by conserving energy for the rapid industrial and agricultural development.
About the quality of the lights, he said that LED lights are ISO certified environmental friendly technology designed for efficient use of energy and to conserve it. He said that Chinese companies will continue to invest in different sectors and would also provide solar and LED technology to fulfil its energy needs by utilising alternative sources of energy.
President ZTBL informed the delegation that the bank has initiated many projects to introduce alternative energy in agriculture sector for energy conservation and efficient use of water to develop the agri-sector in the country. Pakistan was facing energy shortage and use of LED lights in schools, hospitals, parks and markets would help to conserve energy adding that ZTBL would also replace all its lights with LED lights, he added.

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