Partly Facetious: Gilani must do something about that moustache

12 Nov, 2010

"Richard Holbrooke, the Special US Representative on Afghanistan and Pakistan has put his foot in his mouth yet again."
"Does the foot fit the mouth or does it get lost in the mouth?"
"Right, no one apparently likes him... the guy is also not well liked by Obama if memory of Bob Woodward's book Obama's Wars serves me correctly."
"I do recall the book stating something about Holbrooke wanting to remain in the limelight."
"Correct, and we the Pakistani nation are forced to suffer the consequences of that appointment."
"Hey you as a Pakistan have to suffer many appointments and most of them made by your Prime Minister or President. What's a Holbrooke compared to a Niazi of the NICL or the FA pass former OGDC Chairman or..."
"Or most of the members of the cabinet...I was looking at Rehman Malik on television yesterday and he looked awfully like Charlie Chaplin to me...he must do something about that moustache and..."
"And the walk?"
"I haven't seen him walking but I do see him talking as well and the faces he makes and the..."
"Is this defamation?"
"No, defamation is when you defame someone?"
"And you are not defaming Rehman Malik?"
"I thought I was defaming Charlier Chaplin and he is dead so he can't take me to court."
"Don't be facetious."
"Going back to Holbrooke the man actually endorsed the Cabinet's decision to impose a flood tax on the income of the salaried class and the RGST..."
"Right, higher taxes on existing payers, exempting the rich landlords, and doing nothing about corruption is a recipe for zero compliance."
"Well done Gilani sahib and may be you need to thank Dr Hafeez Sheikh's driver on getting him to your cabinet meeting on time."

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