Permanent UNSC seat for India: National Assembly opposes US decision

13 Nov, 2010

The National Assembly on Friday unanimously passed a resolution against the decision of the United States, supporting India for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. Shanaz Wazir Ali of PPP moved the resolution in the House, which was passed unanimously.
Foreign Minster Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that the government agreed to opposition viewpoint, and added that the Cabinet had already expressed serious concern and strong disappointment on the decision of the United States supporting India for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council.
According to the resolution, "The Federal Cabinet has already adopted a resolution expressing serious concern and strong disappointment on the decision of the United States to support a permanent seat for India on the UN Security Council.
"The Cabinet was of the view that this particular decision has grave ramifications for the direction and prospects of the system of multilateral co-operation as envisaged by the UN Charter. It also has implications for peace and security and stability in Asia, particularly South Asia.
"The US endorsement of India's bid, in our view is a counter-productive move which disregards of the sensitivities and positions of a number of important countries in including Pakistan on the question of reform of the Security Council.
"All member states, regions and groups of states have vital interests in the reform of the Security Council. Achieving a comprehensive and equitable reform of the Security Council is a shared objective of the entire membership.
"We believe that an effective and feasible reform of the Security Council can only be achieved through negotiations leading to a consensus decision endorsed by the UN membership. In this regard, Pakistan remains constructively engaged in the negotiation process at the UN in New York.
"Our efforts for reform of the Security Council are structured around the following four pillars:
"One, the reform should be comprehensive. "Two, it should be based on the principle of sovereign equality.
"Three, it should enhance accountability of the Security Council to the general membership. "Four, reform should result in a more united and strengthened United Nations."

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