900 families get German NGO food package

17 Nov, 2010

German Aid for Afghan Children (GAAC), a non-governmental organisation (NGO) distributed food packages amongst 900 flood-affected families of Madiyan, district Swat. President, GAAC, Dr Eroes Rienhard distributed the relief goods during his visit to the flood affected areas of the Madiyan. The relief package was comprised of flour, pulses, rice, sugar, ghee, cooking oil and other food items. Country Director for Pakistan and Afghanistan, Engineer Alam Shahab was also accompanied him.
During visit to the flood affected areas the officials of the foreign non-governmental organisation reviewed destruction caused due to the flood and collected information about it. He also met with some flood-hit people. Addressing a gathering of the flood victims, Dr Reinhard said that the projects of the organisation beside distribution of relief goods also include reconstruction and rehabilitation schemes in the area.
He said that Pakhtun is nation and was confident that they in spite of looking towards others for assistance will show resilience to reconstruct their destroyed houses on self-help basis. Giving example of his own country, he said that Germany also faced similar critical situation, the German nation brought it out with their hard work and self-help basis. He was confident that Pakhtuns will follow the suit of German nation in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of their flood affected infrastructure.
Speaking on the occasion GAAC, Country Director for Pakistan Afghanistan Engineer, Alam Shahab said that the organisation has always extended support and assistance to the people of Pakistan in each and every difficult time and continue to do in future too. He also briefed the people on the relief activities initiated by the organisation in their respective areas.-PR

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