US ambassador extends Eid greetings

17 Nov, 2010

US ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter and his wife Dr Marilyn Wyatt extended Eid-ul-Azha greetings to Pakistanis. In his message, the ambassador said, "On behalf of President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the American people, and the US Mission to Pakistan, my wife Marilyn and I would like to send our sincere best wishes to the people of Pakistan on the occasion of Eid ul-Azha."
He said these four days are a time when Muslims complete the Hajj and reflect on Abraham's unwavering faith and his trust in God when asked to sacrifice his son. The ambassador said, "This is our first Eid ul-Azha in Pakistan, and it is a pleasure for us to join our Muslim friends in this meaningful observance."
Munter said, "The United States is a nation founded on the principle of religious liberty, where all of us are free to practice our religion as we see fit." The ambassador quoted President Obama that Islam has always been a part of America and American Muslims have always made an enormous contribution to the society and culture. "We, as Americans, respect the dynamic faith of Islam and treasure the relationship we have with our Pakistani friends," the ambassador said. The wife of US Ambassador Dr Marilyn Watt said, "I am delighted to wish a happy Eid ul-Azha to all of our many friends here in Pakistan and around the world." she said, "I wish safe travel to more than three million pilgrims who are performing Hajj this year from more than 160 countries, including Pakistan and the United States." "Eid is a very important holiday that reflects those values that are shared by people of faith around the world," she said. Dr Marilyn said.

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