Zardari for ending violence against children

21 Nov, 2010

President Asif Ali Zardari while reiterating the government's firm commitment to accord high priority to safeguarding the rights of the children has called for public-private partnership to achieve the task. "The task of child protection requires partnership between public and private agencies.
"I, therefore call upon the civil society, NGOs, volunteers, philanthropists, international development partners, media, corporate sector and particularly the children themselves to come forward and play their role for ending violence against children and promoting their welfare", the president said in his message on the occasion of Universal Children's Day, observed every year on November20.
The president said, "it is heartening to note that Pakistan joins the international community to celebrate the Universal Children's Day today with a firm commitment to accord high priority to safeguarding the rights of the children".
"The observance of the Children's Day today should serve to remind us of our obligation to the children as ordained in the injunctions of our religion and also in the Constitution", he added.
The president said, "it should also serve as a reminder to fully implement the National Plan of Action for Children focussing on child education, health and protection. Let us on this day reiterate our commitment to pursue the goal of reforming the child rights agenda".
The president recalled that Pakistan had the distinction of being one of the six-initiator countries of the World Summit for Children 1990, adding, "As a party to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), Pakistan always remained in forefront to advocate the Child Rights agenda and played a key role at Regional and International levels to protect the Rights of the Child".
Referring to the recent floods, the president said, "on this occasion, we must remember those children who suffered heavily in recent floods and need the greatest attention. We need to step up efforts to reconstruct their homes, schools and health care centers to rehabilitate them".
"I once again congratulate the government officials concerned, the UN Agencies, the NGOs and volunteers for highlighting the child related issues and supplementing official efforts to create a conducive environment for the children. I wish them success in their future endeavours", he added.-PR

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