Qureshi urges world to support Pakistan in fight against terrorism

23 Nov, 2010

The international community should politically and economically support democratic government of Pakistan in its fight against terrorism, which is affecting the whole world. This was stated by Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi during his meeting with Singapore's Foreign Minister George Yeo.
Qureshi held a bilateral meeting with Foreign Minister of Singapore George Yeo in his office on Monday. The two sides discussed bilateral, political, regional and international issues and underlined the importance of expanding economic co-operation between the two countries.
He further said Pakistan is a partner of ASEAN since 1997. Pakistan has sincere desire to enhance its political, economic and cultural co-operation with ASEAN and would work with ASEAN countries to become its full dialogue partner and this is a part of Pakistan vision East Asia Policy, he added.
The Foreign Minister particularly mentioned that Pakistan wanted peaceful and co-operative relationship with India. The two nuclear powers in South Asia have no other option but to resolve even outstanding issues through meaningful and constructive dialogues as peace is in the interest of both the countries as well as the whole region, he added.
Later, while addressing the academicians and business leaders, the Foreign Minister said, "Pakistan and Singapore have enjoyed friendly relations over many decades and we look forward to further strengthening our political, economic and cultural ties."
Qureshi admired the progress made by Singapore on all sectors and said Singapore has recovered itself from the global financial crisis. Singapore is a country respected for its political and economic achievements and sustainability. It is a country, which is consistently re-inventing itself as a financial transhipment and technological hub, he added.

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