Devolution of ministries', divisions' powers to provinces: Ministries employees' fate hangs in balance

23 Nov, 2010

Employees of different ministries are unaware of their fate after the devolution of ministries and divisions' powers to the provinces under the concurrent list as envisaged in the 18th constitutional amendment. Talking to Business Recorder, employees of different ministries expressed their concern over what they said was the government's failure to finalise a plan ensuring adjustment and protection of their jobs.
According to the government plan, five ministries will be shifted to the provinces in the last week of November. These include: Population Welfare, Youth Affairs, Local Bodies and Rural Development, Zakat and Ushr, and Special Initiatives. While five more ministries, including Culture and Tourism, Special Education, Social Welfare and Minorities' Affairs would be shifted to the provinces in January 2011.
The provinces, while refusing to accept federal government employees, are demanding foolproof legislation ahead of devolution of these ministries to the federating units. The provinces have also requested that the federal employees belonging to ministries/departments being devolved should be kept in the federal surplus pool instead of being transferred to the provinces as any additional manpower to the provinces will be an additional burden on the exchequer besides resulting in a clash of interest with provincial governments servants, official maintained.
Another official said that the federal employees working in various ministries planned to be shifted to provinces under the devolution process, would be offered an opportunity to opt either for mutual transfer, deputation or the golden handshake. However they have yet to receive final intimation by the government. The Implementation Commission on the 18th Amendment headed by Mian Raza Rabbani in its last meeting discussed concerns of different employees as the time for federal ministries and departments transfer to the provinces neared.

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