Chief Minister Punjab commends services of Nazaria Pakistan Trust

23 Nov, 2010

Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has said that Nazaria Pakistan Trust is playing an important role to promote awareness about ideology of Pakistan among the young generation, and the Punjab government will continue supporting the trust for this purpose.
He was talking to a delegation of Nazaria Pakistan Trust led by its Chairman and prominent journalist Majid Nizami here on Monday, said an official. The Chief Minister said Pakistan came into being after innumerable sacrifices by our forefathers and we have a glorious past. "There is a need to create awareness among new generation about the sacrifices and struggle of our forefathers for the creation of Pakistan so that spirit of patriotism should remain alive," he added.
According to him, the services of Nazaria Pakistan Trust in this regard are commendable and the credit goes to Trust Chairman Majid Nizami and his team. The trust is rendering a great service by apprising the youth about Pakistan history and we are extending all possible co-operation to the Trust in its mission. Ideology of Pakistan will be included in syllabus so that youth could be apprised of the aims and objectives of the Pakistan Movement.
Majid Nizami thanked the Chief Minister for extending co-operation to the trust and said that he is providing all possible resources to promote awareness among the youth about Pakistan Movement. The delegation included Nazaria Pakistan Trust Vice Chairman Dr Rafiq Ahmad. Colonel (Retd) Jamshed Ahmad Tarin, Begum Majida Wyne, Shahid Rashid and Rafaqat Riaz.

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