'Police culture determines its conduct'

28 Nov, 2010

Dr Wasim Kauser, Inspector General National Highways and Motorway Police (NH&MP) has said that case studies on police training in Pakistan reveals that our training institutions have been producing "reactive" police officers due to negative training environment, while independent research and analysis have revealed that prevalent police culture determines its prevalent conduct with the public.
Therefore, it would be naive to expect public friendly policing from a 'para-military policing' outfit. This can only be possible if a strategy is formulated though cultural transformation from para-military culture to friendly culture by qualitative improvement in the training ecology and the work station ecology. Dr Wasim was addressing the 13th anniversary of NH&MP and 12th upper class graduation ceremony at a training institute in Sheikupura.
The NH&MP IG revealed that research studies in the personality profile of a police officer reveals that the common policeman suffers from a deep seated syndrome which we may name as "stress prone personality disorder", caused by one or more factors which lead to a erratic and delinquent behaviour.
This behaviour, he added, gives rise to the ever increasing corruption, moral as well as intellectual, human rights excesses, misdemeanour and misbehaviour with the general citizenry and a mindset that police cannot be subjected to any kind of accountability or scrutiny.
Dr Wasim further said it would be counterproductive to give high profile training to an officer without provision of compatible workstation ecology. Therefore, a qualitative change in the work station environment was brought about as a result of the following measures based on international standards, manageable span of control, neat and clean working environment, camp living, mess facility, sports activities, motivation and morale, chain of command, shift system and monthly rest, compatible work station and training ecology, a system of reward and punishment and minimum weaponry displayed, he dilated.

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