Muslim world is target

04 Dec, 2010

Touching on affairs of nearly all countries in the region, ranging from Pakistan to Libya besides others, the wikileaks' revelations were nothing short of a diplomatic bombshell that has rocked the establishments in all the capitals.
From Pakistan's point of view, the most disturbing factors, directly or indirectly affecting the security of the country and her relationship with other regional powers - friendly or otherwise - are the following, though much of the disclosures are, and have been, common knowledge, even if not overtly discussed:
1) Saudi monarch's opinion about the heads of state and governments in the region - particularly Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq.
2) Saudi exhortations to US re: taking out Iran's nuclear installations.
3) US espionage and attempts to seize Pakistan's enriched uranium stockpiles.
By themselves, these may not be very original but their disclosure at this juncture is purposely meant to vitiate the atmosphere of bonhomie, mutual goodwill, trust and unity among the Islamic countries of major importance, and is bound to create suspicions and ill-will among them. One wonders why the disclosures had nothing about Israel or India - the major obstacles to peace and stability in the region. One can only surmise an attempt of diabolic magnitude to poison the relationship among Muslim countries, and destabilise regimes, for the benefit of USA, Israel and their supporters, and pave way for the latter for their future adventures and nefarious designs.
Despite disclaimers, there is no doubt in our minds that the disclosures have been made with the connivance and full knowledge of US and their cohorts, and their purpose is to attack some more Muslim countries, making sure that their Muslim neighbours will not come to their aid. Obviously the only countries to benefit from the ensuing chaos can be USA, Israel, India and their western supporters or allies.
We hope the leaders of the Muslim countries will keep their cool and dismiss this provocation with the contempt it deserves, and not fall in the trap laid for them so viciously.
WikiLeaks has threatened to publish more insidious and damaging stuff. One of these, again targeting Pakistan, seeks to insert a wedge between the Army and the civilian government, but like everything else, this attempt is also bound to fail, as our leaders, both military and civil, can easily see through the barely disguised motives of the trouble-makers. All we can say is that the US, badly facing defeat in Afghanistan and Iraq needs some diversion from public outrage on one hand, and start conflicts among some more Muslim countries on the other. So, beware!

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