Why not we change?

04 Dec, 2010

Sitting at a brunch function at a lake side in the mid of October this year, in a beautiful foreign location, surrounded with heavenlike nature reflecting serenity and tranquility, I was part of a score of other Pakistani expatriates. All were engrossed in enjoying such splendid nature the Almighty has bestowed upon this country, which is said to be a heaven on earth.
Before I dabble in to the main subject of my write-up, I would like to cover in a few lines an introduction to this nice country. Yes, I am talking about Almaty, the old capital city of Kazakhstan, a country with population of almost sixteen million and having a size of 2.7 million sq km, ie 4 times of our country, gifted with enormous natural resources of Oil, Hydrocarbons, Uranium, Metals etc.
But it is landlocked and only opens up from the western side to a slit into the Caspian sea, from where major trade takes place. It was one of the latest entrants to the Independent countries that declared independence after the disintegration of the USSR. Since independence, declared on December 16, 1991, Kazkahstan has undoubtedly been an exemplary country amongst the other independent states that disintegrated from the USSR, in terms of its sustained economic growth and strategic importance for Russia. It offers multifold opportunities to foreign investments, complete law and order stability, which in its own account is one of finest achievements by the administration responsible for affairs of the country, fascinating infrastructure and yes sure, Almaty in known for its feminine beauty. The new capital city "Astana" reflects an ultramodern infrastructure with magnificently done glass and granite buildings blending nicely with the overall natural beauty and aesthetics of modern societies. This country definitely attracts a lot of tourists mostly from Russia, Europe, Far East & Middle east.
A few Pakistani, expatriates enjoying employment mostly in the financial and energy sector, are also the beneficiaries of such a unique blend of nature, history and above all, enjoy life in peace and harmony with utter law and order stability! A basic necessity that is now turned into a luxury for citizens living in Pakistan. All this along with a population that is almost 55% Muslim, Kazakhstan/ Almaty is certainly a great piece of nature on this planet. Comparing it to what one would have come across while globetrotting, I am convinced that Almaty is the most beautiful city in the world and can be compared with Seattle and Switzerland, both known to be as heaven on earth.
Going back to the brunch session, which I referred at the start of my write up, the happening discussion was the one which is very common for us Pakistanis, that we all usually undertake in drawing rooms ie discussions on Pakistan and its future. In this group, the majority of the people were convinced and spoke on a bleak future with a further diminishing idea on the country's geography too. Out of the 17 couples, about 15 were just as fazed as any normal person would be with the events that Pakistan has passed through, especially since the last four years.
As almost ninety percent of the participants portrayed a completely dismal picture, which to be realistic is true too, considering the current affairs of the country, I was already fidgeting within my sofa chair trying to focus on the sips of the coffee rather than listen to such pessimism. One has to show restraint, especially when respected seniors make a discussion. But not for long, passion and patriotism strike hard upon this restraint, removing its clutches, and a guy like me, who people often relate to as foolishly optimistic, was just about to jump in to something that was no more than a pass time for the lot. As most belonged to the financial sector, common dejection shared on economic disparity and financial corruption. Not instability of law and order, But NO law and NO order in Pakistan, were the things being discussed.
This mini sort of typical political session miles away from Pakistan was held in a mild cold afternoon, overseeing a rainbow of colors on the hillside, covered with flakes of snow. Delicious food already chewed in hungry stomachs, there was a lot heat in each person's argument. The discussions started reflecting that of a pressure group, which was not bold enough to come out on the country streets.
Oh, I cannot do injustice to the nice word of pressure group, as in my academics what I had learnt from history was the fact that real pressure groups comprise of passionate citizens, generally responsible for creating an uproar that develops momentum from lanes to streets, to roads and highways, to news channels to Parliament lodges for a change. A real change, not the one recently witnessed in Pakistan during the judge movement. What I am trying to refer to is the real process converging into processions and bringing about a change, as witnessed in recent time in countries like Thailand, South Korea, France and Germany.
As many belonged to the financial sector, our brunch room environment soon started reflecting a live Stock market session, with quotes being shared at the pitch of one's voice box. While, hot and well-grinded brewed Brazilian coffee was only adding flare to the heated discussions.
I, being a son of a seasoned and well-respected journalist, advocating a Righteous path, adhering to the same literature. Then, a grandson of a paternal grandfather who had pioneered in journalism, a grandson of a maternal grandfather, who through his sheer hard work and pursuit for righteousness, reached the peak of the civil service in India before partition and continued after partition too. A nephew of a seasoned and leading banker, a person who is a blend of humane values and beliefs and is a prolific writer and speaker. Then as a son of a mother, who is a paragon of excellence of humanity, who ingrained in me what is patience, what is the respect for elders, what is the normal pitch of voice to talk, in essence requisite human values. With this heritage, I could not resist, as I requested from the participants two minutes of their patience for listening to what I had to say.
As the environment reflected the typical aristocratic culture, yet civility prevailed and I was encouraged to speak. I initiated my discussion by stating what I always used to share with my colleagues in service, friends and relatives: it is due to our own faults that we have been giving the reins of our affairs to the faces of the same minds, same regimes, same feudals, same "ism" cultures, same peers, same "thugs", same "maliks", same bureaucratic families, same rogue capitalists.
Yes, since ages, because the non-importance to using our vote, we have ourselves seen that in elections, average voting turn out has been forty percent or so. With half of that a victim of transparency issues, I believe actually only about 20 to 25% of the voting population, actually chooses the leadership and puts them in commanding position in the two superior houses of our governance pillars. Once this representation fails, which is ought to "fail", the relative cure is sought from the military regime, which has its own drawbacks.
We, the supposed relatively ethical elite, middle learned class, continue to shy away from coming in to mainstream politics, but do not mince words in criticising leaderships in such drawing room sessions. Seeking solace and reasoning to migrate and stay away. Seeking reason to just compare this beautiful country struck by depravity of leaderships, with countries having exemplary democracies, legal structures, infrastructures and booming national economics with outpacing historic GDPs. It is very easy to say that whoever has the ability should migrate, as Pakistan has a bleak future. But, my question is very simple, for how long and with what ultimate value objective. It is, this thought, that has actually developed in me, a passion to have a different perspective on my country. I would like to ask a question to all present in this room that if all migrated, the incentive to migrate would mostly be to seek law and order and a happy living!
This proves that these two things are primarily important. Fair enough, suppose we all achieve this and have a variety of colored passports to secure better lives for our generations, but what is the guarantee that when we are enjoying our grandparenthood, foreign country which is now our country by virtue of immigration, that there will not be a day when our grandchild will ask that grandpa, though we are happily living as citizens of this country I want to feel the actual liberty of being a citizen of a country that allows our core value system.
We must feel accountable for what has been done to Pakistan even if we have not contributed in any ill will, yet by not rising against the odds and by refraining to vote, we are also accountable for today's current affairs. Please understand that this country is not his, her, their domain, but it is OUR PAKISTAN. We must start believing that we have to bring in the change culture. Forget, just criticising poor state of affairs, but ponder, organise, converge for pursuit of betterment of Pakistan by seeking the right of expression ie raising voice against wrongs, using our votes, organizing pressure groups within localities, towns and societies to eradicate corrupt leaderships, thwart ill will people from hijacking the two supreme houses of Pakistan. It is due to our own negligence that we have given the reins of our country into those hands, who let alone choosing the direction, do not even know what they are riding on. Please, nobody from outside will come and give us a leader, we have to find our own by engaging our own selves. I am not asking all to become politicians, but yes become positive, patriotic citizens and converge so as to completely put at bay the prevalent system, a system which has become a stigma across board.
Revive morals taught by our Quaid for securing a better place in this comity of nations. If he had the courage of putting everything at stake to pursue this beautiful homeland for us, we should at least show some respect by guarding the honour Mohammad Ali Jinnah gave, the honour of being called from a separate/identity. At times, these things will just appear to be as our right, but to think of the situation where we could not raise our children according to the values we want to inculcate in them, cannot dress according to our liking let alone the religious outfits, could not experience the sanctity and piety of Ramazan, could not enjoy the right of experiencing the essence of sacrifice, could not have made our children read Islamic history at schools, were all the time worried in thinking how to raise our children with good human values. As for other religions too the air is so sweet to enjoy their life the way they want to. Look at the way this beautiful country engages with our minorities in celebrating Diwali, Holy, Nauroze, Christmas, Wow, what a country where we all coexist nicely.
I am dead sure that many of you would strongly argue the above, yet I am sure deep inside our hearts we all would appreciate the above. However, most of us sharing good values, only choose the easiest path, ie either to migrate, seek placement abroad or live as a dormant society with reins given to people who are just not capable or else just flush our anger sitting in drawing rooms.
Trust me, Pakistan, a nation of 170 million people, with God-gifted natural resources ranging from minerals to Oil, Gas, Gold, Copper, Lime stone, Oceans, Mountains, Beautiful scenic beauties, fertile land with wide ranging crops, is a unique country in its own style. The strategic location on the map of the world only convinces its importance of actually being very well-poised to reach out in hours to the markets comprising about three billion people ie China, India, Central Asia and Middle East.
My concluding remarks were that: Start appreciating the goodness of things that this country has provided to all of us. Because we are Pakistani professionals, the world is willing to hire us as they know that Pakistan is rich with talent. We are sitting and discussing, in this foreign country, the state of affairs of Pakistan, only because Pakistan has given us this status of enjoying a good professional standing. Consider, if we did not have a separate identity, would we have been here? May be!
Fortunately I realised that I was able to convince the lot and soon the discussion turned out to be more constructive and it ended with the hope that from now onwards we all will be good ambassadors for Pakistan.
My dear readers / friends I was prompted to share this with you, as I really believe in that change cannot be imported or planted, but it has to come from within. Let us converge and raise our voice for pursuit of the right path trust me it is very difficult and hazardous but the solace that you will find in it is better than anything else.
Let us wish all of us the courage to bring in change by being bold enough to express so as to have a Prosperous Pakistan.

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