Three relatives of former Nazim killed in Hangu firing

24 Jan, 2011

Two relatives and a friend of ex-nazim Hangu Amir Faisal were killed in a shoot-out incident when some unidentified armed motor cyclists opened indiscriminate firing on Nazim's vehicle near Hangu bypass road on Sunday, police said.
According to detail, the father, nephew and a friend were in the vehicles along with ex-Nazim Amir Faisal when the armed men intercepted them by showing bullets, killing his father Kamal Hussain, nephew Asim Mehmood and friend Noor Khan on the spot, while four other namely Nadir, Niamatullah, Syed Anwar and Akhtar Mehmood received bullets injuries.
The Nazim remained unhurt, according to DCO Hangu. He said that the police and officials other law enforcing agencies rushed on the spot and taken the injured to the District Hospital, Hangu. He disclosed that the police in a chase off arrested one attacker in injured condition. He said the search operation has been carried out to nab other attackers.

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