Rotary International determined to eliminate polio from the world

24 Jan, 2011

Privilege of making Faisalabad polio-free will be maintained through a comprehensive and round-the-year awareness campaign, said Rana Muhammad Akram Khan, Chairman, Polio-Plus Committee of Rotary Faisalabad.
Addressing a meeting of Polio-Plus Committee, he said that Rotary International has determined to eliminate polio from this world and in this connection polio vaccine is being provided to a number of countries free of cost. He was appreciative of the keen interest taken by President and Prime Minister in making anti-polio drive in Pakistan a total success.
He said that it has been decided to expand the anti-polio campaign to the gray areas of the country, including hilly tarrens of North. He also thanked local administration for its best co-operation in making polio drops dispensation campaign a successful.
Akram Khan said that Faisalabad has been declared polio-free because of the collaborated efforts of the government, administration, health officials and members of the Polio-Plus Committee. He added that it is a tough task to maintain this privilege and in this connection, the committee has decided to continue its efforts throughout the year. He said that 3 rounds of polio-drops dispensation would be held, supported with mobilisation and sensitisation of parents through awareness walks, holding of seminars and other programmes. He added that the competitions of speech and essay writing on polio-eradication would also be arranged while posters would be displayed in Faisalabad. Handbills would also be distributed and this awareness campaign will be continued throughout the year, he concluded.

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