Economic turnaround: US doing everything to help Pakistan: Munter

25 Jan, 2011

Addressing Pakistan's 25 fast-growing entrepreneurs, US ambassador to Pakistan, Cameron Munter on Monday said the United State is putting every possible acts together to make Pakistan see a turnaround on economic front and as part to support Pakistan's economy based on encouraging the dynamic businessmen to come forward and play their role fully supports JS Bank and Harvard University's initiative of selecting fast-growing Pakistani businesses for showing them on the world radar.
Today when Pakistan is passing through a difficult phase, growing of fast-growing companies is a good news for this country and US administration is fully committed to providing Pakistan every support for initiatives such as selection of 25 fast growing companies. He said Washington is encouraging US investment in key areas of Pakistan besides facilitating visits of Pakistani and American investors to ensure interaction between the best Pakistani and American businessmen.
JS Bank, Harvard University and Allworld Network selected Pakistan's fast growing companies during 2006-09 and their extraordinary performance was acknowledged at a reception at the US embassy here. Some of these companies were Riaz Textile, e 2 e, Cotton Web and others. The executives of 25 selected companies received trophies from Finance Minister Dr Abdul Shaikh and Cameron Munter.
Dr Hafeez appreciated JS Bank and Harvard University's initiative of acknowledging Pakistani entrepreneurs outclass performance in a situation when Pakistan's economy was passing through difficult phase. He said in spite of devastating floods Pakistan's economy was showing encouraging signs of recovery. He claimed that Pakistan's exports for the current fiscal year were going to set at around $22 billion and remittance over $10 billion.
Anne Habbiby co-founder of Allworld Network said Pakistani businessmen were doing unprecedented job by showing remarkable growth and over 81 percent growth of these 25 selected companies was its ample proof. She appreciated JS Bank-Harvard University and Mashal, a project of Mashal (Pvt) Limited for putting all their efforts together to select 25 top growing Pakistani companies. Anne Habbiby showed confidence that next year 100 companies will cross the benchmark to qualify as fast growing players of Pakistan's economy.

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