'Emergency Action Plan for Polio Eradication' launched

25 Jan, 2011

President Asif Ali Zardari on Monday formally launched 'National Emergency Action Plan 2011 for Polio Eradication' at the President's House by administering polio drops to orphan children from all the provinces, vowing to eradicate polio from the country.
Briefing the media, spokesperson to President, Farhatullah Babar said that while addressing a specially organised event attended by Health Minister Makhdoom Shahabuddin, federal ministers, ministers of state, provincial health ministers and members of parliament and diplomatic community, the president said that although polio cases had declined over the years, the country is still not polio free.
He said that Pakistan has come a long way from 1994 when polio eradication campaign was first launched and number of cases was more than 30,000. "Our aim is to make Pakistan completely polio free. We aim that no child lives in the fear of being crippled for life." He said that polio is a crippling disease and continues to threaten children. He added that unfortunately, Pakistan is amongst the few countries, which are still not completely polio free. "We are committed to banish polio from Pakistan."
The president pointed that polio eradication initiative was first launched by the government of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. He further said that Lady Health Workers Programme and Polio Eradication Initiative were both launched by the government, adding that the former was intended to bring primary health care services to those that need them the most. "It was a demonstration of her commitment to improve the social sector, particularly health of children," he said. He also said that she (Benazir Bhutto) was the first Prime Minister to have personally administered polio drops to a Pakistani child. "That child was no less than our own daughter, Aseefa Bhutto Zardari," he said.
Zardari said that government has nominated Aseefa Bhutto Zardari as Pakistan's ambassador for polio eradication and said she is committed to carry forward the mission of her great mother and hope for the people. "Together she will work with you to end polio. Together we will end polio from the country," he said.
He observed that the comprehensive plan for polio eradication prepared by health managers and professionals is clear and doable, and called for addressing the issues of access, insecurity, accountability and ownership. The spokesperson said that the president appreciated commitment of the entire leadership of the country who came together earlier this month to review and endorse National Emergency Plan. "I am pleased to note that the Prime Minister, chief ministers, governor Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Prime Minister AJK and all chief secretaries are fully geared to take emergency action plan on polio forward. "I assure you that there will be strict oversight of the plan at the national and provincial levels through monitoring cells," he remarked.
The president stressed that Pakistan needs to produce polio vaccines within the country and said that during his last visit to China, the two countries signed a MoU on co-operation in manufacture of vaccines. "Hopefully, this co-operation will also be extended to manufacturing of polio vaccines in Pakistan for nation-wide anti polio programmes. He also recalled his meeting with Bill Gates, saying Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation are providing great support to the cause of polio eradication. "I wish to acknowledge and appreciate Gates Foundation's contribution to saving Pakistani children from polio."
He regretted that extremists and militants have opposed vaccination of children against polio and even killed doctors who administered polio drops on the grounds that the campaign is foreign funded to make Muslim children infertile. "We have fought this mindset, and will not permit militants to deprive our children of basic health care," he said, adding that government believes that Pakistan must be welfare driven country rather than a country driven by security concerns.
Zardari said, "We shall be working on a fast track emergency plan with the support of our security forces to access children and households in the security sensitive areas. This is indeed doable," he added. He said this had been done in Swat where girl were being destroyed and polio teams targeted. He said today in Swat, educational institutions are functioning and polio teams are going about their business without hindrance.
"In the Pakistan of Quaid-i-Azam and Quaid-i-Awam, we cannot allow extremists to stop us from carrying forward the welfare agenda," he said, and added, "with democracy taking roots, these forces are bound to fail." He termed child health collective responsibility of all and acknowledged that sectors outside the health are also playing a positive role in this regard.
"We need this spirit of partnership in the country at this critical time," he stressed and thanked international donors and partners, saying their support has been a great help in fighting polio. He also called upon provincial and district leadership to play a strong role in carrying forward the campaign. "Let us pledge that no child who should get polio drops will be missed out. We are mindful of the challenges polio campaign has been facing. No challenge is too big to stop us from saving our children for polio and ridding the world of this disease," he vowed.
The president complimented ministry of health, provincial health departments, Rotary International, the diplomatic community and international partner agencies in making the launch of this programme possible and thanked them for their support in the fight against polio.
He announced civil awards and conferred President's Award for Pride of Performance on Aziz Memon, Chairman Pakistan National Polio Plus Committee and Sitar-e Khidmat on Dr Robert S. Scott, Chairman Rotary International Polio Plus Committee and Chairman, the Rotary International.-PR

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