Watchdog slams UN, EU's human rights 'cowardice'

25 Jan, 2011

The UN and EU stand accused of "cowardice" for claiming to tackle human rights abuses in places like China through soft diplomacy, Human Rights Watch said in its annual report Monday. Highlighting its claim, the report on global human rights violations was issued in Brussels the same day the European Union hosted controversial Uzbek President Islam Karimov amid protests.
The New York-based NGO's executive director Kenneth Roth lambasted "the failure of the expected champions of human rights to respond" to violations in 100-plus regimes.
In his eyes, the fundamental error made by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and others is to place the focus on discreet cooperation, a euphemism for "other interests at stake."
Roth cites a "tepid" response to repression in Myanmar, noting that the release of democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi in November 23 was not matched on 2,100 other political prisoners.
The UN was criticised for adopting a "deferential" attitude towards Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Sudan leader Omar al-Bashir, with Ban said to have placed "undue faith" in his gentle approach.
The EU's top diplomat, much-criticised English baroness Catherine Ashton, is said to hide behind an "obsequious approach to Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan" where energy interests dominate trade and political ties.
There is "absolutely no question of trading off one interest in exchange for the other," said a spokeswoman for EU commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso, who met with Uzbek President Islam Karimov although neither faced questions.
"Near-universal cowardice" marked challenges to China's "deepening crackdown on basic liberties," with huge investments - whether in African natural resources or western public debt - ensuring silence is preferred.

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