Nooriabad tragedy: Mirza orders crack down against unfit vehicles

25 Jan, 2011

Sindh Home Minister, Dr Zulfiqar Ali Mirza Monday has ordered DIG Traffic to launch crack down against public transport vehicles unfit for plying on road and cancel their fitness certificates till their complete repair.
Taking notice of recent fatal road accidents on Superhighway, National Highway and Northern Bypass, he asked the traffic police to ensure ways and means in consultation with highway/ motorway police to provide safety to passengers and road users. He also sought a detailed compliance report in this regard.
Mirza regretted that 32 bus passengers perished in a fatal road accident near Superhighway near Nooriabad on Sunday and asked all-out steps be taken to avoid such sad mishaps in the future.
He asked police of all districts, towns and police stations to ensure that vehicles transporting petrol, oil and chemicals comply with proper safety and precautionary measures to save precious lives. He asked traffic police to ensure that all vehicles plying in the city limits do not cross speed limits. He said speed limit violators should be taken to task as per law without any discrimination.
The home minister further said that old, shabby, smoke-emitting and road-unfit buses, minibuses, and vans should be kept off road by cancelling their vehicle fitness certificates and only allowing them after verification of fitness.

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