PTCL holds certificate distribution ceremony

25 Jan, 2011

Pakistan Telecommunication Company LTD (PTCL) held a certificate distribution ceremony on the successful accomplishment of the three-week comprehensive training programme on "Management Development Programme" (MDP) here on Monday.
The PTCL real asset has always been human capital and network. It has achieved various commendable milestones, but the MDP is one of the most world beating achievements as the entire training calendar 2011 has been designed based on the theme "Ensuring Corporate and Customers Loyalty through learning".
PTCL Academy has been revitalised with a new vision to be recognised locally and regionally, as a center of excellence in the provision of state-of-the-art training and consultancy services in telecommunications and related fields. It is providing a platform for the creation, dissemination, exchange of knowledge and expertise in all areas of telecom and IT to internal and external stakeholders. MDP is to determine user's requirements, specific training needs, evaluate training resources, develop and implement the training program and then finally to evaluate it.
PTCL President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) - Walid Irshad while highlighting the pragmatic approach of PTCL said that it is Developing Customer Centric Approach in the employees and keeping the pace with the dynamic trends of the telecom industry has always been a priority of the management.

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