OUK keen to develop academic linkage with PEF

28 Jan, 2011

Open University, UK has shown interest in developing necessary academic linkage with the Punjab Education Foundation (PEF) to help strengthening its various programmes, including teachers training. In this regard, Daniel Nti, Head of OU's Africa Offices and Claire Hedges of The Open University, UK held a detailed meeting with the Managing Director Punjab Education Foundation Mohyuddin Ahmad Wani at PEF Head Office on Thursday.
Director (CPDP) Bushra Saeed Khan, Project Officers Sadia Zia and Samreen Sajjad were also present on the occasion who gave detailed presentations to the OU delegation about PEF's Education Voucher Scheme (EVS) and Teachers Training Program.
On the occasion, the British delegation explored the possibility of creating Open Education Resource (OER) Teachers' Education Network to support education reforms in Pakistan. It was observed that this project would provide significant support to campus based pre-service training, open and distance learning and in-service programmes. It was also observed that this facility would be a built-in support for use by teachers, educators and trainers. PEF-MD hoped that academic linkage would help to improve the educational standard; both qualitatively as well as quantitatively.

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