Auto vendors cry out for fair treatment

28 Jan, 2011

Aamir Allawala, Chairman of Pakistan Association of Automotive Parts and Accessories Manufacturers (PAAPAM) appealed to the government for justice and fair treatment to the automobile parts manufacturers and their 200,000 employees.
Aamir said that PAAPAM members find it unbelievable that, while the GoP recently went all out to protect the jobs of only 4,000 KESC workers, it has put the 200,000 skilled manpower at auto vendors at grave risk of unemployment and massive layoffs.
PAAPAM chairman lamented the fact that auto vendors are being treated as helpless grass being destroyed as a result of ongoing tussle between the giants, in this case the GoP vs car manufacturers. PAAPAM Chairman questioned the GOP to define who will be the ultimate beneficiary of opening up of used cars. Will it not be a case of pleasing those with capacity to buy used vehicles priced at Rs 800,000 while destroying the livelihood of 200,000 skilled workers depending on the parts manufacturing activity and working at salaries of Rs 10,000 per month?
Aamir said PAAPAM vendors do not favour or protect the car manufacturers. The government has every right to resolve its disputes with the car industry. However, it should not be at the cost of Pakistani parts manufacturers, who are the backbone of Pakistan engineering industry and also serving other sectors including Defence production. The PAAPAM Chairman demanded to know whether the GoP only wants to facilitate the rich or to protect the industrial sector and poor working class of this country.-PR

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