Shooting by US diplomat: Malik proposes formation of National Assembly committee

29 Jan, 2011

Interior Minister, Rehman Malik has proposed to constitute a National Assembly committee to investigate the shooting incident by a US diplomat, Raymond David, in Lahore on Thursday. The Interior Minister on Friday presented this proposal in the Lower House of the Parliament while giving official statement.
He said that two boys who were riding a motorbike came first from left side towards the David's car then they moved to the right side and took out a pistol. In the response, David fired in self-defence in which two people were killed, he said. Earlier MNA, Noor Alam of PPP alleged on the floor of the House that Reman Malik phoned D.G Police to release US Consulate official.
On his remarks, the minister said that David is still in the custody of Punjab Police. He said that Punjab government is investigating this incident. He said that David had a licensed gun. The minister said it was a provincial matter and the accused was in the custody of Punjab Police, which he hoped would handle it efficiently and professionally.
He said that he had ordered an inquiry at the federal level to ascertain the facts regarding the US national Raymond Davis. However, he categorically stated that no one would be allowed to breach law in Pakistan. "This is Pakistan's law will take its course."
On the issue of blasphemy, the minister maintained no changes would be incorporated in the Blasphemy Law and there was no committee to do so. "If any one still doubts, he should come to me and check all documents...Prime Minister has also said there would be no change in Blasphemy Law," Malik said. He said that the protests and strikes should be ended in this regard. After the statement of Interior Minister, Noor Alam took his words back. He said, "I take my words back." Later, Mehmood Hayat Khan Tochi of PPP expressed grave concern on the silence of political parties on the incident of Lahore. He said that US diplomat has killed two innocent people but all political parties were silent. He said that the political parties should break their silence and give policy statement.
"The federal and Punjab governments are responsible of this incident. The government should inquire from this US official from where he got the weapon. Aftab Ahmed Sherpao said that joint Commission would improve the relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan and bring peace. Peaceful and stable Afghanistan is in the interest of Pakistan. Afghanistan is sovereign state and we should treat it equally, he said. Abdul Quadar Baloch also raised the issue of Balochistan on the floor of the House and said that many students are being killed after abduction. I demanded of the government to take measures to stop extra judicial killing. While responding Baloch, the Interior Minister said, I agree that the people are being kidnapped. According to official figures there are 456 prisoners." "I am ready to give in-camera briefing to the Parliament on Balochistan issue."

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