Balochistan Assembly reposes confidence in Zardari

29 Jan, 2011

The members of Balochistan Assembly through a resolution on Friday reposed trust in the leadership of President and Co-chairman of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Asif Ali Zardari. Speaker Aslam Bhootani presided over the assembly session. Balochistan Minister for Communication and Works and PPP parliamentary leader in the provincial assembly Mir Sadiq Umrani tabled the resolution, which was passed unanimously.
It was jointly moved by Chief Minister Nawab Aslam Raisani and ministers Mir Sadiq Umrani, Eng Zamarak Khan, Ismail Gujjar, Jaffar Khan Mandokhel, Abdur Rehman Mengal, Sardar Aslam Bizenjo, Mir Ameen Umrani, Habibur Rehman Muhammad Hasni, Jaay Parkash, Eng Basant Lal, Asfandyar Kakar, Tahir Mehmood, Asghar Rind, Asim Kurd Gailo and Saleem Khosa.

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