JI urges women to play their role to protect Islamic values

01 Feb, 2011

The Jamaat-e-Islami chief, Syed Munawar Hasan, has stressed upon the women in the country to play their due role in safeguarding the Islamic civilisation, culture and values. Addressing a large gathering of the Islami Jamiat- e- Talibat at Mansoora on Monday, he said the western powers were bent upon destroying the Islamic values and the Muslim family system, and the nation must unite to frustrate their designs.
He said nudity and obscenity were being promoted in the country and the Islamic signs were being ridiculed in a bid to build up a so-called liberal society and the Islam lovers must join hands against that. The West was also conspiring to divide the Muslims into religious and secular groups, which must be foiled, he added.
He said the secular powers in the country had repeatedly flouted the judiciary's independence and supremacy by abrogating the constitution and paving way for martial law. The rulers were advancing the Zionists/ Christians' agenda that ran counter to Islam and the country's independence, he added. Syed Munawar Hasan said, the rulers had sold out the country's independence and sovereignty in exchange for a few dollars and allowed Americans to shed the blood of innocent citizens.
He said the US, after being defeated in Afghanistan, had stepped up its terrorist activities in this country. He said the Americans who had killed three innocent persons in the city a couple of days ago, were being given VVIP protocol which had caused deep resentment in the masses and created a sense of insecurity among them, he added. The government's complete silence on the Pope's outburst and European Union's demand for repealing the Blasphemy Law was also creating doubts in the public mind, he said.
He said the awakening in the Arab countries against secularism and Western civilisation had shaken the entire Arab world and millions of people were on roads against the rulers who were stooges of the west. In Pakistan, he said, the anti-Islam forces had always patronised the people who were simply interesting in raising their bank balance with illegal wealth instead of attending to the people's problems. The life of the common man had become miserable due to price spiral, unemployment and lawlessness. But all this time, the friendly Opposition was simply waiting for its turn.

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