Partly Facetious: Pakistan and Yemen are not Egypt

01 Feb, 2011

"Pakistan is not Egypt, thundered our mild mannered Prime Minister."
"He is right those who the people of Egypt and Tunisia have been protesting against have been in power for decades and..."
"Our PM has been in power for only three years so there is no comparison between the corruption of Mubarak Zain al-Abedine Ali and Gilani."
"The PPP has been in power before..."
"Right, but for limited periods."
"You are being facetious."
"I am merely stating the obvious, and before you say there is no need to state the obvious let me tell you that there is a need for stating the obvious in this country."
"Because no one states the obvious?"
"Precisely and I am sorry to say the Americans in this country need to go on a refresher course back home on how to be a good diplomat."
"The issue is not whether Raymond Davis is a diplomat or not because we all know he isn't but whether he has immunity or not."
"All I know is that our President has immunity and then there are the governors who have immunity and ..."
"Oh shush. Immunity for murder is a bit thick, don't you think?"
"The two guys who were brutally shot dead were in the process of robbing Davis, or so contends the accused as well as the US Embassy in Islamabad without waiting for the investigation to be completed."
"Two things: first shouldn't the US diplomats stationed in this country allow the investigation to be completed after all there were so many witnesses to the murder and second do they kill their robbers in the US and go scot-free?"
"Hey that's where the immunity comes in."
"I see: do in other countries what you are not allowed to in your own country."
"That's the beauty of immunity and need I add in this country it is reversed."
"What do you mean?"
"Immunity is invoked in our country not abroad."

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