Karen Armstrong delivers mesmerising lecture at NUST

02 Feb, 2011

The best thing the world needs today to make it a better place is a Global Democracy where everyone takes absolute responsibility for every creature. We are pursuing a Charter for Compassion that gives a perfect action plan to engage every individual to work for a better world and dedicated society.
This was expressed by renowned British author Karen Armstrong during a mesmerising lecture here at National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) on Tuesday. Karen stressed on every individual on being a good human being rather than a right person. She invited the students, the academia, the politicians, the social activists and every individual of the society to step forward to join her mission for building a compassionate world and making the people learn to live a compassionate life.
She informed her audience that it was a global movement by the humanity for the humanity. We look forward to engaging schools for developing curricula on compassion; higher educational institutions to conduct courses and studies; social organisations to create awareness in masses and corporate organisations to work for a compassionate environment at their respective workplaces.
The lecture was attended by the Rector NUST Engineer Mohammad Asghar, leading academicians, students, media persons and people from all walks of the society. Karen Armstrong later had a question/ answer session where she discussed compassion in academic and practical life contexts and elaborated her Charter for Compassion to audience.-PR

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