Federal Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Dr Babar Awan on Wednesday announced a grant of Rs 12 million for District Bar Association Lahore and for lawyers victimised by police. Talking to a delegation of District Bar Association Lahore, he said that government is fully aware of the difficulties of lawyers community and his ministry is determined to solve their problems irrespective of any political affiliation.
Babar Awan said that nobody can neglect the role of lawyer's fraternity and lawyers would continue to play their positive role for strengthening of democratic system in the country. The Minister demanded legal action against persons involved in incident of violence against lawyers in Lahore.
While commenting on the democratic system he said that it is a system of government in which everyone has the share and government is fully committed to strengthen democratic institutions for the welfare of the people and prosperity of the country. The delegation praised the commitment and efforts of Law Ministry for the welfare of Lawyers. The delegation was comprised of Sheikh Shehzad, President, Chaudhry Arif, Vice-President, Rana Intazar, General Secretary District Bar Association Lahore and others formers office-bearers.