Power shutdown notice

03 Feb, 2011

According to Iesco Spokesman, due to electricity maintenance/development work the Power supply of the areas fall under the following feeders would remain suspended, as under: On Thursday (February 3) morning 9 am to 1 pm, Karor Feeder, Pehont, Chirah, Gola Colony, Dihora, ATs, Chawan, Banni Sairy, Bhamorot Syedan and surrounding areas.
Saturday (February 5) morning 09-30 am to 02-30 pm, Askari-7 feeder, Askari-7 and surrounding areas. Tuesday (February 8) morning 9 am to 1 pm, Tumair feeder, village Tumair, Pindi Bagwal, Sihali, Malot, Balagh, Athal, Mera Bagwal and surrounding areas.
Wednesday (February 9) morning, 09-30 am to 02-30 pm, Askari-7 feeder, Askari-7 and surrounding areas. Thursday (February 10) morning 9 am to 1 pm, Karor Feeder, Pehont, Chirah, Gola Colony, Dihora, ATs, Chawan, Banni Sairy, Bhamorot Syedan and surrounding areas. Saturday (February 12) morning, 9 am to 1 pm, Tumair feeder, village Tumair, Pindi Bagwal, Sihali, Malot, Balagh, Athal, Mera Bagwal and surrounding areas.
Monday (February 14) morning 09-30 am to 02-30 pm, Askari-7 feeder, Askari-7 and surrounding areas. Tuesday (February 15) morning 9 am to 1 pm, Karor Feeder, Pehont, Chirah, Gola Colony, Dihora, ATs, Chawan, Banni Sairy, Bhamorot Syedan and surrounding areas.-PR

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