Partly Facetious: There's no such thing as a moral foreign policy

03 Feb, 2011

"Mubarak says he won't stand for re-election but would remain in power till elections scheduled for September."
"After thirty-two years?"
"The point is the end is in sight for the Egyptian people."
"Right, but they don't trust Mubarak's word. Strange, isn't it - a man whose word was trusted by the West because he delivered is not trusted by his own people because that was of secondary importance to him."
"Hmmmm reminds of some one."
"Some one or several some ones?"
"Agreed. Anyway Obama's sanctimonious statement with respect to the right to change a regime resting solely with the Egyptian people is too little too late..."
"Well, its 32 years too late but don't forget Obama has been in power for less than four years and..."
"And he visited Egypt and made no mention of his erudite views on democracy and who can legitimately change a regime!"
"Ah yes regime change...I do recall the Bush era foreign policy and need I add the military policy and if I remember..."
"OK but Obama did not support that policy."
"No? Then why did he go to Egypt and strut around with Mubarak..."
"Look you are stupid if you had different expectations from Obama! He is a US president and he will follow a policy that would be in US interest and there is no such thing as a moral foreign policy and..."
"What about Raymond Davis? The US is requesting we give him up according to the convention on diplomatic relations...and is presenting Davis' account of what happened as the true account, over and above the account by eye witnesses?"
"And don't forget the US consulate car that overran a bystander to death has still not been handed over to the government and the driver is still probably driving all over Lahore."
"Making an example is the best deterrent in the criminal justice system."
"Also in the democratic political system, and for that reason we also need to get Musharraf back."

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