47 percent Pakistanis believe government will not complete its term

05 Feb, 2011

Almost half of Pakistanis (47 percent) believe that the current government would not complete its five-year term and would be dissolved before completing its tenure. According to the survey conducted by Gilani Research Foundation Pakistan, 47 percent Pakistanis believe that the current government will be dissolved without completing its tenure while 31 percent are of the view that the government will complete its term.
53 percent of the respondents believe that the present PPP-led government has become weak, while according to 33 percent it was not weak and 14 percent did not reply. A detailed analysis of the survey shows that 59 percent of the respondents living in urban areas believe that the government has become weak as compared to 50 percent of the respondents in rural areas. Sample of the survey, which was carried out in January 2011, was 2,754 (men and women) in rural and urban areas of all four provinces of the country.
Following question was asked from the respondents: "Do you think that the current government will complete its tenure or dissolved before completing its term?" 47 percent of the respondents replied that the government would not complete its five-year term where as 31 percent were of the view that the government would complete its tenure. A considerable 22 percent gave no response.

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